Venture is Mark Rodriguez's police horse.
Mark is out for a ride with Venture, his RCMP horse, when he hears a boy crying out in Sheep River so goes to help him out. After, Mark takes Venture to Heartland to get Amy to work with him. He tells her that he's now scared of water and refuses to let anyone ride him. Amy and Ty start working with Venture and try to build up his resistance to water. When Mrs. Bell comes by he quickly becomes friends with Sugarfoot. Mrs. bell allows him to stay and Amy uses him to get Venture to follow him, successfully getting him across a stream. Mark comes by to check on his progress but when he tries to saddle him he refuses, Mark leaves annoyed. After Amy learns about the other incident at Sheep River, mark's brother's death, she understands that Venture is scared of the river since the first accident. She attempts to take Mark and Venture to the river but mark becomes furious and leaves. She manages to convince Mark to do join up, which proves successful, helping them to reaffirm their bond. (Holding Fast)