Stewart Forrest is a local horse trainer.
One of his horses, Caesar gets caught in barbed wire, helping to create Amy's alias "Miracle Girl".
Season 3[]
After the accident, Amy calms Caesar, allowing Stewart to be able to cut the barbed wire off him. After he thanks her and introduces himself as Caesar's trainer. When Ty and Scott check out Caesar, they tell Amy that Stewart wants Amy to go buy since he's not been the same after the accident. Amy goes by and Stewart tells her that Caesar has a world cup qualifier in a few weeks and is aiming for the Olympics, but since the accident he won't let anyone near him. He's surprised when Amy's able to approach him and he introduces her to Carson, Caesar's rider. Amy agrees to work with Caesar at Heartland and Stewart agrees. When they try to trailer him, he refuses and Amy tells them she'll ride over and pony him back instead. A few days later, Stewart and Carson go by heartland to check on Caesar's progress. When he spooks easily Amy tells him how much progress they've made and are hoping to saddle him soon, Stewart apologises for coming without calling and lets her continue. Amy invites Stewart and Carson to show them Caesar's progress, they are impressed and Carson is able to jump him. (Miracle)