Mindy Fanshaw a celebrity from LA, is booked into the Dude Ranch for a cowgirl boot camp for an upcoming movie role. Lou has everyone sign a confidentiality agreement before she arrives. Lou takes her to the Dude ranch and shows her the cabin, she tells her that she has fresh bedding when Mallory jumps out from under it. Amy gives Mindy her first riding lesson but is terrible, she pulls up to hard on the reins and kicks too hard causing Copper to run. Meanwhile, Caleb and Ty drool over her. Mindy tells Amy she's a great teacher and tells her about the movie role, that she said she could ride when she can't. Amy suggests she get a riding double and Mindy offers Amy to job. She later sees Jack and Pegasus and takes an interest, Jack tells her about Pegasus and they start to develop a bond. That evening, she overhears Amy and Ty and sees them both pretending to be ok that he's going off to see Kit. She starts to goad Amy telling her that she knows she likes him. The next morning, she see's Ty at the Dude ranch and starts to play him to try to gain his affection, he doesn't give in and she quickly gets bored and goads him by telling him Amy likes him. At dinner, Mindy brags about LA and her life being in full view of the paparazzi. Mallory tries to ask her questions and brings out magazine articles about her. Mindy takes them off her and tells her to not believe what she reads. She gets Caleb to drop her back at the cabin and kisses him, she invites him inside but he declines. She goads him by telling him that Amy is into Ty. When Lou brings her breakfast the next morning, she gushes about the location and tells her she should get the movie producer to film the movie there, getting Lou's hopes up. Mindy asks Amy if she can ride Pegasus, but she tells her she can't as he's not well. Mindy continues to wind up Amy, she tells her that she kissed her boyfriend and finds it hilarious that Amy isn't sure if she means Caleb or Ty. The next day, Mindy asks Caleb and Ty to take her to Mustang Meadow, Ty tells her to wait until Amy gets back from school and she refuses to wait. Caleb offers to take her and she requests Pegasus, stating Amy has given her permission. When Amy returns home from school she asks Ty where Pegasus is and he tells her that Caleb and Mindy have taken him on a ride. Amy and Ty catch up to them just as paparazzi appear taking pictures of Mindy, spooking Pegasus causing him to bolt injuring himself. Amy tries to tell off Mindy for hurting Pegasus but she just brags about the pictures and how good they'll be in contrast to her clubbing. She tries to make it up to Pegasus and offers him a carrot but refuses to take it. When Lou hears about Mindy's feedback, from her agent, she goes to have it out with her and she doesn't care about Pegasus so Lou kicks her out. On her way out she see's Amy and tells her she'll make it up to her. She stops by Maggie's and gives the belt back telling Soraya to gift wrap it and give it to her friend, Amy. (Starstruck!)